In the winter he was in a box at night with daily pasture visits. During the summer months he was outside 24/7
In 2007 he was shoed
He was regularly used in the hall, outside and on long distance rides
September 2008: Change of owner
The pre-purchase inspection uncovered a short lateral coronary fissure on the right forehoof. A longer medial split on the left forehoof was already visible for some time
Those cracks didn't disturb Smokins walk
Curing the coronary fissures
Smokin moved with his new owner into the North of Germany, into an open stable (Sand, wood chips and concrete as floor)
At this time the small fissure on the right forehoof had grown into a long crack
At the end of Oktober in 2008 his shoes were removed and the Orthopeadic Hoof treatment began
In the following winter Smokin was riden out about times a week; his gaits were careful on gras, but his movements were fluid and with a nice momentum. He was lead over rough or very hard undergrounds Smokin was still extremely sensitive and if the ground was frozen he wasn't ridden
In the middle of February those rides happened regularly and he could be ridden in the hall again
Before Easter Smokin took part in a training week in the Eifel. His walk was impeccable
Since then: riding without limitations and without cracks or splits