Mona - Laminitis
Previous medical history
- Mona is a Barb-Haflinger-partbred, ten years old by now
- Mona suffered founder at the age of six (in 2001), which, according to her owner, affected primarily the fore hooves very badly Consequently, Mona was shod with full flat eggbar shoes
- Furthermore, as the owner reports, the toe walls were heavily rasped
- During the following years, Mona and her owner had to keep fighting against recurring hoof abscesses
- Consequently, Mona was shod with full flat eggbar shoes
- Furthermore, as the owner reports, the toe walls were heavily rasped
- During the following years, Mona and her owner had to keep fighting against recurring hoof abscesses
- In June 2003, Mona suffered another instance of laminitis, this time also affecting the hind hooves
- The veterinarion ordered that Mona's hooves be "put steeper"
- The toe wall was radically cut back, while the heels grew higher and higher
- From October on, Mona fell repeatedly, eventually she stumbled even on the pasture and kept falling upon her carpal joints
- The veterinarian amde X-rays of Mona's fore limbs; he assumed sesamoiditis (lameness associated with the proximal sesamoid bones) and prescribed padded shoeing
- Instead of improving, however, Mona became worse
- It was speculated whether it not be better to relieve Mona from her suffering
- The owner, having changed farriers repeatedly, decided to consult a hoof orthopaedist as a last chance
- The shoes were removed and one day before Christmas 2003, Mona received her first hoof orthopaedic treatment
- Immediately after this first treatment, Mona's condition improved
- Three weeks later, she was treated again; the treatment was then repeated regularly every four weeks, while Mona's hooves were getting better continuously
- As soon as February 2004, Mona could be ridden again carefully on soft ground
- Since April 2004 Mona is being ridden cross country again - due to the stony ground there, horse boots are being used
- In June 2004 Mona fled her stable and spent two nights in a grassy meadow
- Mona had had her fodder strictly rationed for fear of another instance of laminitis; due to her already quite good hoof situation, she overcame this feeding shock without being foundered again